Monday, 10 February 2014

Patient Complaints

Thankfully now people are starting to question the reasons and motives behind the decision to single out midstaffs for public scrutiny.

First of all we had Professor Jarman and his infamous HSMR Stats, there has been much debate about these stats and I have no personal plans to revisit them as it has already been established that they are worthless.

However, with regards to Midstaffs and why it was selected; the HSMR was one of the reasons.  I would like to draw your attention to a piece written in Computer Weekly as it clearly shows how wrong those stats were and in fact; 

"Mid-Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust maintained an average rate of patient death for 17 years, according to a rational look at the numbers behind the NHS controversy"

"Mid-Staffs admitted 13,780 seriously-ill patients in 2004. By 2007, such admissions had increased by 2,654 cases, to 16,434. Yet Mid-Staff's death-rate for these high-risk patients actually fell in that time, from 6.4 per cent to 5.8 per cent"

So bang goes the theory of Midstaffs being the "killing fields" as describe by Cure The NHS.

Since that article was posted on twitter, Cure and their allies have tried their best to counteract the argument that Midstaffs was a set-up and today Professor Jarman posts this:

So now we are onto complainants, every hospital has complainants and these complaints can be about a variety of things; appointment delays, waiting times, food etc.

So were Midstaffs complainant figures any worse than any other ?

Midstaffs complaints*

2005/06 = 447 Complaints     82.1% resolved in 21 days with 0 unresolved by the end of year
70 Trusts had higher rates ranging from 453 - 1264 complaints

2006/07 = 339 Complaints     71% resolved in 21 days with 2 unresolved by the end of year
104 Trusts had higher rates ranging from 340 - 1322 complaints

2007/08 = No complaints recorded by HSCIC, this could be because;
Information from 23 PCTs states they did not receive returns for some practices within their area and so have submitted incomplete data.

2008/09  = No complaints recorded by HSCIC, this could be because;
Information from 35 PCTs states they did not receive returns for some practices within their area and so have submitted incomplete data

2009/10 = 0 Complaints

2010/11 = 611 Complaints, no breakdown on number resolved
43 Trusts had higher rates ranging from 613 - 1533 complaints

2011/12 = 492 Complaints, no breakdown on number resolved
56 Trusts had higher rates ranging from 495 - 1062 complaints

So yes Prof Jarman is right there were other complainants but far less than those in other hospitals.
So that just leaves "Patient Pressures" i.e. Cure The NHS in his equation but I think there is another part that needs "exposing" and that is the role the Tories and their MPs had to play;

This is an extract from one of the Francis witness Statements, Mr Ken Lownds, who worked with CTNHS and was the first to initiate the support of local Tory MP Bill Cash, a "staunch supporter" of CTNHS.

Full statement here

So here's my equation;

Tories aim to privatise NHS + Vengeful Cure The NHS = Partnership to use Midstaffs as NHS propaganda to justify the privatisation of NHS and the closure/downsizing of Trusts.

* Source:

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

NHS In Financial Crisis

I'm sure we all remember the article in the Telegraph by David Prior, Chairman of CQC;

There was much debate on twitter about it, with most calling into question the political motivation behind it. There is no doubt in my mind that David Prior overstepped the mark.
However, I was more concerned about the nuance of the article whereby David Prior states;

"The NHS will “go bust” without radical change to drive up standards and rid hospitals of a “toxic” bullying culture that damages patient care".

"Without “transformational change”, he says, including greater private-sector involvement, hospital mergers and an end to pointless targets, the health service risks going bust”.

Yet only one of his many statements relates to finances;

"almost half of NHS hospitals expect to end the financial year in debt"

That little nugget of information was almost hidden amongst all of the propaganda.  It was also stated in the article that there was a £330 million hole in trusts’ finances.

Call me cynical but I treat all figures from the right wing media with a great deal of scepticism. So is it £330m?

Figures from a FOI request to the Department of Health paints a different picture in that collectively, NHS trusts (2012/13) are in debt to the tune of £5.1bn.

The DH states in the FOI:
"We have interpreted ‘debt’ to mean the total amount reported by each NHS Trust in their Balance Sheet in respect of bank overdrafts, current and long term loans, obligations under finance leases, Private Finance Initiative (PFI) and Local Improvement Finance Trust (LIFT) arrangements. These are the items most readily identified with the term ‘debt’ in accounting terminology.

Org code
  Org Name 
              Total       Operating revenue              Total Debt
                     £000's                  £000's
RVN Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust 194,649 (47,367)
RF4 Barking Havering and Redbridge Hospitals NHS Trust 439,072 (261,608)
RVL Barnet and Chase Farm Hospitals NHS Trust 358,530 (40,911)
RRP Barnet Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust 190,575 0
R1H Barts Health NHS Trust 1,324,546 (865,552)
RC1 Bedford Hospitals NHS Trust 223,069 (8,222)
RYW Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Trust 249,124 0
TAD Bradford District Care NHS Trust 135,925 (4,306)
RY2 Ashton Leigh and Wigan Community Healthcare NHS Trust 175,326 0
RXH Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust 606,159 (37,135)
RXQ Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust 350,954 (66,761)
RYV Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust 162,804 0
RYX Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust 193,341 0
RYG Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust 205,910 (30,437)
RJ6 Croydon Health Services NHS Trust 243,581 0
RN7 Dartford and Gravesham NHS Trust 177,219 (73,263)
RWV Devon Partnership NHS Trust 140,932 0
RYK Dudley and Walsall Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust 71,330 0
RC3 Ealing Hospital NHS Trust 234,113 (494)
RWH East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust 350,574 (8,116)
RJN East Cheshire NHS Trust 185,752 0
RXR East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust 405,107 (123,643)
RX9 East Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust 155,065 (50)
RYC East of England Ambulance Services NHS Trust 235,594 0
RXC East Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust 387,425 (1,224)
RVR Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust 343,599 (229)
RLT George Eliot Hospital NHS Trust 122,531 (1)
RX5 Great Western Ambulance Service NHS Trust 74,677 0
RY4 Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust 129,108 0
RQQ Hinchingbrooke Health Care NHS Trust 110,581 (14,218)
RWA Hull and East Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust 497,193 (61,717)
RYJ Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust 971,561 (4,373)
RGQ Ipswich Hospital NHS Trust 236,761 (28,924)
R1F Isle of Wight NHS Trust 168,776 0
RXY Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust 172,961 (17,335)
RYY Eastern and Coastal Kent Community Health NHS Trust 213,850 0
RAX Kingston Hospital NHS Trust 208,667 (28,622)
RR8 Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust 1,002,529 (211,458)
RT5 Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust 281,926 (8,756)
RY1 Liverpool Community Health NHS Trust 146,710 0
RRU London Ambulance Service NHS Trust 303,186 (950)
RWF Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust 367,421 (222,113)
TAE Manchester Mental Health and Social Care NHS Trust 106,335 0
RW4 Mersey Care NHS Trust 208,598 (5,056)
RQ8 Mid Essex Hospital Services NHS Trust 275,234 (158,483)
RXF Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust 460,870 (327,940)
RY3 Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust 124,843 0
RVJ North Bristol NHS Trust 529,984 (9,456)
RNL North Cumbria Acute Hospitals NHS Trust 235,326 (52,816)
RAP North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust 184,011 (134,529)
RLY North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust 79,598 (14,098)
RX7 North West Ambulance Service NHS Trust 261,390 (80)
RV8 North West London Hospitals NHS Trust 380,272 (63,257)
RNS Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust 271,319 (669)
RBZ Northern Devon Healthcare NHS Trust 220,696 (17)
RX1 Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust 813,301 (21,149)
RHA Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust 425,742 (16,957)
RHX Oxford Learning Disability  NHS Trust 23,246 0
RTH Oxford Radcliffe Hospital NHS Trust 821,894 (292,809)
RW6 Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust 569,981 (71)
RK9 Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust 405,853 0
RHU Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust 451,946 (253,311)
RQW Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust 184,592 (1,433)
REF Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust 323,372 (1,601)
RQ6 Royal Liverpool Broadgreen  Hospitals  NHS Trust 440,858 (11,080)
RD1 Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Trust 233,623 (375)
RL4 Royal Wolverhampton Hospital NHS Trust 385,001 (9,316)
RXK Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust 433,153 (30,177)
RCC Scarborough and North East Yorkshire Health Care NHS Trust 31,582 0
RXW Shrewsbury and Telford Hospitals NHS Trust 309,382 0
R1D Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust 79,694 0
RYQ South London Healthcare NHS Trust 451,633 (183,264)
RQY South West London and St Georges Mental Health NHS Trust 163,244 0
RVY Southport and Ormskirk Hospital NHS Trust 181,123 (8,586)
RJ7 St Georges Healthcare NHS Trust 641,867 (54,337)
RBN St Helens and Knowsley Hospitals NHS Trust 278,623 (277,953)
R1E Staffordshire and Stoke On Trent Partnership NHS Trust 372,793 0
RTP Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust 226,042 (328)
RDR Sussex Community NHS Trust 188,015 (501)
RY8 The Derbyshire Community Health Services NHS Trust 188,435 0
RY9 The Hounslow and Richmond Community Healthcare NHS Trust 59,353 0
RY6 The Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust 139,943 0
RJ2 The Lewisham Hospital NHS Trust 241,490 (50,381)
RY5 The Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust 108,802 0
RAN The Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust 120,809 (141)
R1C The Solent NHS Trust 192,177 0
RY7 The Wirral Community NHS Trust 66,506 0
R1G Torbay and South Devon Health and Care NHS Trust 142,186 0
RWD United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust 422,861 (627)
RJE University Hospital of North Staffordshire NHS Trust 473,629 (348,054)
RKB University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust 509,243 (285,947)
RWE University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust 758,742 (13,633)
RBK Walsall Hospitals NHS Trust 228,417 (147,312)
RWG West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust 278,273 0
RKL West London Mental Health NHS Trust 233,798 0
RFW West Middlesex University NHS Trust 154,205 (39,806)
RYA West Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Trust 152,633 0
RYR Western Sussex Hospitals NHS Trust 367,805 (2,732)
RA3 Weston Area Health NHS Trust 96,800 0
RKE Whittington Hospital NHS Trust 281,403 (36,463)
RWP Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust 348,811 (79,560)
R1A Worcestershire Health and Care NHS Trust 170,870 (114)
RLQ Hereford Hospitals NHS Trust 175,825 (60,038)
RX8 Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust 209,822 0

This clearly shows the NHS is in financial crisis, not due to "culture" but due to the lack of investment this Government has made over the years.